Sunday, October 3, 2010


what does it all mean. Alone. cold. warm. strange. Alone has more meaning then one might think. Alone could mean happiness, alone can mean greatness, alone can be that feeling when you are craving frozen vanilla yogurt with a mix of pistachio.
Just make sure its low fat and no  sugar added.  I can rarely see or remember any of my past. It seems all distant, a blur, nothing is constant in my life. I move from one word to the next, and thought to a fact. Alone.
Black light in the corner.
Britney Spears poster in the other.
Thai Buddha staring directly at me, fiercely.
I go to the mall to look around, maybe buy one or two things. I have no opinion but my own. I have no one else to tell me I look good in a yellow pinned stripped shirt, with exception of the 16 year old girl at the register, she says it looks good but I should get the blue one. I get the yellow one. I won't even wear it..why?- because.. alone.
Alone can make you feel warm at night, alone can make dreams come true, alone will satisfy your needs, alone will make you laugh, alone will not lie to you, alone will always be there for you.


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